Sunday, February 04, 2007

Optimal Fertility Conditions

Fertility Conditions

Nicholas Jones

To be fertile, for both men and women, is such a condition that enables the partners having unprotected intercourse to conceive. To gain such a condition for both men and women means achieving some characteristics that they achieve by reaching puberty. It means that now men can produce sperms and women can produce eggs. Its, however, not so easy as to get fertile by means of getting puberty as there are several other factors that controls the reproductive ability.

First of all there the hypothalamus must work properly to generate appropriate amount of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) to stimulate pituitary gland. If the gland properly responses then it will produce Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). For men the two FSH and LH will stimulate the testicles and in women it'll have effect on ovary. By that way male and female will produce sperms and eggs respectively, which, if united properly will create chances of conception.

Again, producing sperms is not enough, as the number of sperms produced must meet the requirement in the process of getting pregnant. If the sperms are not capable of swimming through the cervical mucus to reach the matured egg, there will be less chance proving fertility. It happens because the vaginal fluid is basically acidic whereas the sperms require alkaline environment to stay alive. If the sperms can run to save themselves the chances will increase. With females it's all about proper responses from glands and balance of created hormones and a perfect calculation to know exact ovulation period. Thus if everything goes following the right pavement the fertility conditions are proved and much waited baby is very near to your lap.

For more information about infertility treatment, visit:

Nicholas Jones, an infertility expert and researcher

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