Sunday, March 11, 2007

Herbs to Help Increase Fertility

A Look At Fertility Herbs
Lee Dobbins

Today the alternative approaches to treating fertility have taken a step back from the mechanics of fertilization and instead are looking at addressing the overall state of the body. Today there are fertility herbs around which provide an excellent way of strengthening the organ systems as well as improving their function without harmful side effects.

Once the organs have begun to work well it is useful to apply herbs which increase a body’s ability to utilize estrogen which enhances the production of eggs in the ovary. So not only will a woman’s body be in better shape for fertilization but it will also be well prepared for the actual pregnancy. In fact herbs which are recommended for fertility purposes are also useful during the actual pregnancy itself.

The following herbs listed below should be either taken as a water based infusion or as a strong tea. For preparing an infusion you will need to fill a clean wide mouthed jar a third full with dried herbs and then fill the jar up to the top with boiling water, place on the cap and then let the herbs seep in the water for no less than 4 hours. After the 4 hours strain and drink a cup of this per day. Refrigerate what you have not used and do not reheat or allow the infusion to boil.

Red Clover Blossoms and Leaves

This supplies calcium, protein, B Vitamins to the body as well as clearing toxins from the blood. The alkalinizing effect will lengthen the survival time of sperm. However you should not use this before or after surgery as its blood thinning properties will impair the clotting of your blood.

Nettle Leaf

This is high in iron and calcium and is good for treating anemia as it strengthens the kidneys as well as building blood and enriches and thickens the uterine lining. This enables implantation of the fertilized egg to occur. However people who either suffer from high blood pressure or fibroids should not use this herb.

Raspberry Leaf

This will strengthen the reproductive organs as well as supporting a person’s digestive system. It contains a wide array of vitamins and minerals.

It is important that you rotate the use of these 3 herbs and drink one cup of infusion per day (so Monday, Raspberry Leaf, Tuesday Nettle Leaf, Wednesday Red Clover Leaf and Blossoms and so on). After using these for about 3-6 months (all depending on the condition of your body in the beginning) your body should then be ready for the 2nd phase.

However it is important that the following herbs are NOT used during the pregnancy itself as they can stimulate uterine contractions. Add one of these to your regime of infusions and if you are not getting the required results within a few months then try another. Normally these herbs can be taken in the form of a tincture by just putting drops into a little water and then drinking.

Dong Quai (Tang Kwei) Root

This is a Chinese herb which is commonly used to help build up the female system and enhance the utilization of estrogen. It is important that you take 20-30 drops of this tincture three times a day.

False Unicorn Root

As this is an endangered species it should only be used when absolutely necessary. This has been used for a long time as a fertility herb and opens up the estrogen receptor sites in the ovaries. You should have 10 drops of this in water each morning.

So when next considering fertility herbs than look no further than the ones whose details have been provided above.

Lee Dobbins write for where you can learn more about herbs and natural remedies.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Peak Of Fertility

Understanding the Basics of Human Fertility
Mel Ng

Fertility is the state of being fertile and capable of producing offspring. Initially the term fertility was associated only with females but with better understanding of the reproductive mechanisms and the importance of the role that men play in reproduction, it is now equally associated with men as well. Many oriental philosophies argue that reproduction is the primary motive behind existence.

Humans have a natural tendency to seek information and knowledge about whatever concerns them. And fertility is an area most of us are eager to understand since conception and childbirth are instrumental in bringing about a metamorphosis of great magnitude in women. Men also are fairly concerned about their partner’s ability to conceive or their inability to do so. Understanding the basics of human fertility goes a long way in allaying any concerns that may arise in the minds of couples who want to start a family.

All humans have hormonal cycles that determine when a woman can conceive and when a man is most fertile. The female fertility cycle is usually 28 days but this may vary depending on the individual and may be more or less by a few days. The male cycle, however, is totally variable.

Female fertility
Among women, fertility is the ability to conceive and give birth to a child. The reproductive years of a woman begin when her she attains puberty with the first menstrual cycle. This usually happens around the age of thirteen and lasts till about the age of forty five. This range is only indicative and women are known to have conceived and delivered till menopause, which is the cessation of her periods.

At the time of birth, a baby girl already has four hundred thousand eggs which are immature and stored in her ovaries in small sacs called follicles. The follicles are filled with fluid that protects the immature cells. At puberty the eggs start to mature one at a time. During each menstrual cycle the ovary releases one egg (in rare cases it releases more than one) in the process called ovulation. The delicate balance of hormones released by the ovaries and the hypothalamus and pituitary in the brain dictates how the egg will develop and when it shall be released.

Ovulation sometimes happens with a small but sharp pain and the egg is released. This egg travels up the fallopian tubes and may get fertilized by a male sperm if available. Successful fertilization results in conception. If the egg is not fertilized, it bursts and breaks down within 24 hours and the proteins that it is made up off get reabsorbed by the body. The lining of the uterus that has been prepared in anticipation of the fertilized egg breaks down and is removed from the body during the menstrual period.

For women the chances of pregnancy are directly related to age. Women are most fertile in their early twenties and their fertility often starts ebbing after they reach 30. The use of fertility drugs or in-vitro fertilization can change this and it has been known that the use of these methods can result in pregnancies even at the age of 67.

Male fertility
Fertility in men is mostly about ability to make a woman pregnant. Men need to produce, and store sperm in their bodies. This stored sperm needs to then be transported outside the body into the reproductive tract of a woman.

Sperms develop in seminiferous tubules in testicles that are housed in a sac called the scrotum that is located just behind the penis. Men can produce and ejaculate sperm anytime during the month. The stock of sperms is refreshed every 72 days. This ability to produce fresh sperm lasts a lifetime till the organs are functioning properly.

However, their sexual urge and desire can dip occasionally. Scientists refer to this swing in the sexual urge as the internal cycle of men. Some studies suggest that the internal cycle of men may be related to the partner’s monthly cycle.

Fertility Facts Offers extensive articles and resources on fertility, infertility, fertility treatments, getting pregnant and pregnancy.

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Optimal Fertility Conditions

Fertility Conditions

Nicholas Jones

To be fertile, for both men and women, is such a condition that enables the partners having unprotected intercourse to conceive. To gain such a condition for both men and women means achieving some characteristics that they achieve by reaching puberty. It means that now men can produce sperms and women can produce eggs. Its, however, not so easy as to get fertile by means of getting puberty as there are several other factors that controls the reproductive ability.

First of all there the hypothalamus must work properly to generate appropriate amount of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) to stimulate pituitary gland. If the gland properly responses then it will produce Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). For men the two FSH and LH will stimulate the testicles and in women it'll have effect on ovary. By that way male and female will produce sperms and eggs respectively, which, if united properly will create chances of conception.

Again, producing sperms is not enough, as the number of sperms produced must meet the requirement in the process of getting pregnant. If the sperms are not capable of swimming through the cervical mucus to reach the matured egg, there will be less chance proving fertility. It happens because the vaginal fluid is basically acidic whereas the sperms require alkaline environment to stay alive. If the sperms can run to save themselves the chances will increase. With females it's all about proper responses from glands and balance of created hormones and a perfect calculation to know exact ovulation period. Thus if everything goes following the right pavement the fertility conditions are proved and much waited baby is very near to your lap.

For more information about infertility treatment, visit:

Nicholas Jones, an infertility expert and researcher

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Friday, January 12, 2007

Fertility and Smoking

Fertility and the Adverse Effects of Tobacco
Chelsea Aubin

Effect of Smoking Tobacco on Reproduction and Fertility

Comparing to males, smoking may adversely affect the reproductive organs in females and a woman's ability to conceive.

Smoking may also create complexities during pregnancy, which can hurt both mother and a baby. Women smokers also possess higher risk of growing of the placenta too close to the opening of the uterus. Premature membrane ruptures and placentas may also separate from uterus before actual time. All these problems may in turn lead to bleeding, premature delivery and even emergency Caesarean.

It has been found that women who smoke and use oral contraceptives like birth control pills are more likely to develop severe cardiovascular side effects like blood clots and may suffer heart attack or stroke.

Women smokers may have problems in conceiving whereas women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have miscarriage or premature birth comparing to non-smokers pregnant women.

Besides this, smoking may affect menstruation in women irrespective of age. Supply of eggs reportedly may decrease even in young women due to smoking. Also women smoker are likely to face menopause early, thus their ability to conceive may terminate at an earlier age.

Causes of Impairment

Researches have yet not been completely successful in finding out the mechanism by which smoking affects reproductive capacity of a woman. However, it may be any; from a temporary general disruption of uterine function to mutagenic damage of the egg. According to the medical experts, all these factors clearly indicate long-term damage to fetuses from smoking even before conceiving.

Like Lupron, smoking has also been considered as a cause to increase the risk for osteoporosis in women.

Impact of Smoking Tobacco on Fertility Treatments

Women smokers often require about twice IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) attempts to conceive than nonsmokers. It has been reported by the studies of IVF that higher doses of gonadotropins are needed by the women smokers to stimulate their ovaries. Besides these, women reportedly have lower peak estardiol levels, more canceled implantation rates and also they need to undergo more cycles with failed utilization than nonsmokers do.

However, it may not be possible to overcome the reduction in natural fertility caused by smoking by assisted reproductive technologies. Thus, smoking tobacco must be discouraged by women. Both male and female partners in couples, who have a history of infertility or miscarriage, must avoid smoking. Smoking cessation may result in the improved natural fertility and may assist in infertility treatment.

If you need more Fertility Help, Tips and Guidance or are looking for products like Ovulation Kits visit us at

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