Sunday, November 05, 2006

3 Steps to Fertility

3 Steps to Fertility
By Marina Nicholas

Recently there has been an enormous amount of literature written on the field of infertility. Even TV documentaries and chat shows are featuring women telling their heartfelt story as people are becoming more aware of the rise of infertility cases in the UK.

If you have been unsuccessful in conceiving a baby it is difficult to know where to start. This is the problem I faced six years ago. Gynaecologists, midwives or naturopaths write most of the books on infertility. Their information is based on the world of infertility from their perspective, how to treat a couple. None are written by someone with infertility and has tried to make sense of it all! It is difficult to get inside the mind of a couple faced with infertility, to know what they expect, how they feel and how they will react. Guilt, frustration, depression, anxiety, failure, longing, jealousy, denial, anger, loneliness are but a few of the emotions that infertile couples experience at some point. How can they begin to understand us?

Over the years I have collated endless piles of information about infertility and decided it was time to write about infertility from our perspective – someone who suffers with infertility. All I wanted to know was ‘what can I do to increase my chances of having a baby?’

When collating the research, it became apparent that it fell naturally into three straightforward steps. Following these steps will give you a greater insight into infertility, how to approach your situation and what to do next to help you get closer to your dream of having a baby.

The three steps are:

Step 1 – Gain a full understanding of the male and female body, the cycles involved in conception and the reasons for infertility.

It is easy to assume that getting pregnant is relatively simple, yet in order for conception to take place thousands of biological process have to come together at the right time. Which aspects can you directly influence? What are the main causes and symptoms of infertility? How does age affect fertility? What psychological factors affect fertility? What can go wrong? Am I ready for pregnancy? Anyone having problems conceiving should have a better understanding than most about the reproductive cycle and how the body works so they can look at ways to increase their chance of getting pregnant.

Step 2 - Find out what the problem is by completing the necessary fertility tests at the appropriate time.

Fertility testing is a minefield. As soon as you think there may be a problem, your doctor/gynaecologist will start testing both you and your partner. For many people this stage can be daunting, humiliating and scary. Fertility testing tends to follow a well-known sequence, starting with the least invasive tests first such as hormone analysis with a blood test and semen analysis. Fertility testing is a process of elimination. Essentially the doctor is trying to ascertain why you have not become pregnant yet. From your perspective you will feel so much more at ease knowing what the fertility tests entail and what they diagnose. I recommend all couples to become an expert in understanding the process of fertility testing so stress levels are kept low and you are in a better position to move onto step 3.

Step 3 - Choose the conventional or complementary treatment that will improve your chances of having a baby.

The third and most important step is to find a treatment that will maximize your chances of conception. In today’s world there is a diverse range of fertility treatment available to help couples having problems conceiving. Over the last decade, research has shown that in addition to conventional methods like ovulation induction and IVF, complementary treatments including those based around nutrition, reflexology, herbal medicine, acupuncture and even hypnotherapy can contribute to getting you pregnant.

We are all different people in different situations and there is no ‘one size fits all’ in matters of infertility treatment. You may feel more comfortable starting off looking at your nutrition and lifestyle rather than starting on fertility drugs straightaway. Or you may prefer to look at the psychological barriers you may have that might interfere with you having a baby instead of stimulating you ovaries through acupuncture. Or maybe you want to try the least expensive and invasive options before worrying about how you will finance other treatments.

By following these three steps there are no guarantees that you will conceive a baby but you will be more open to all treatments and be better informed to progress on your journey.

Marina Nicholas is the author of the book 3 Steps to Fertility, a Couple's Guide to Maximising their Ability to Conceive. This is the first book to be written by someone who has suffered with infertility, who has researched all the potential causes and who has personally tried all the complementary and conventional treatments.

She regularly imparts her knowledge on radio, television and in magazines. Marina also works as a helpliner for the largest infertility charity, Infertility Network UK. The website was set up to keep couples abreast of the latest research and developments in the field. She successfully gave birth to her son, Bruno after seven years of infertility.

Search inside the book and learn how fertility treatments like acupuncture, hypnotherapy, reflexology,diet and nutrition and Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) can help you get pregnant

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